WSHA’s statement on the Senate health care vote

July 28, 2017

From Cassie Sauer, WSHA President & CEO:

Last night the U.S. Senate voted down a partial repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The partial repeal — a so-called “skinny” reform — would have removed largely insurance-related portions of the ACA, such as the individual and employer mandates. While we are glad that our residents will not lose their access to the health insurance coverage they have gained, we hope the Senate’s vote will provide an opportunity for lawmakers to reassemble and approach health care reform in a bi-partisan manner.

We agree that the ACA isn’t a perfect system, and there are areas where improvement is needed. As we have said consistently since this debate began, any changes to the current law would need to maintain or increase the access to affordable health insurance coverage that is provided through the ACA. We hope our lawmakers will move forward together to make impactful changes to address the challenges faced by our health care system.

Health care should never be an issue of the left versus the right. We’re all in this together, and only through collaboration will we affect meaningful change that can improve the lives of our residents.


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