Transforming Trauma Workshop launches March 21

February 9, 2023

We are excited to announce our new workshop, Transforming Trauma, which will take place March 21 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This interactive training and discussion will offer practical tools to help us sustain, individually and collectively, in the face of trauma, secondary trauma and overwhelm. Whether this is related to our work, our personal lives, the pandemic, or other world events. We will discuss what the consequences are as well as strategies for sustaining ourselves and each other. Register here.

The workshop will cover how cumulative toll arises and how to engage in that conversation. We will also discuss some principles that may be helpful in taking in the information. The second topic will be trauma exposure response, the specific manifestations of cumulative toll. From numbing anger to cynicism, we’ll dive deeply into how one is impacted individually and collectively.

We will also discuss concrete strategies for creating self-sustainability. Finally, we will broaden the conversation by looking at how to create sustainability for oneself within a larger context as well as how to create a larger organizational, institutional and movement-level change.

Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, who will lead the workshop, is the founder and director of The Trauma Stewardship Institute and author of Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others and The Age of Overwhelm. Widely recognized as a pioneer in the field of trauma exposure, she has worked locally, nationally, and internationally for more than three decades. (Ashley Trotti)


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