The Fundamentals of Patient Safety for Boards

July 20, 2015

Watch a recording of this webcast (July 20, 2015)

(Note: A browser plugin is required to view this webcast)

Patient safety and quality are primary fiduciary responsibilities for governing boards. WSHA and AWPHD jointly began a series of “Fundamentals” webcasts for members of hospital and health system boards and commissions on a variety of topics. The first in the series took place on Monday, July 20 on the topic: “Fundamentals of Patient Safety.” Carol Wagner, Senior VP for WSHA’s nationally recognized Patient Safety program, shared the essentials, as both an introduction to the topic and as a refresher. There were two parts, each 20 minutes in length, as follows:

  1. “Fundamentals of Patient Safety Part 1:”   Do you fully understand your fiduciary duties as board members?  What are the basics of what you should know about patient safety and quality in your organization?  How best should you focus on patient safety in your board meetings? What are the core measures to follow?  What are the best ways to share patient stories in the board setting?  These and other practical tools will be shared.
  2. “Fundamentals of Patient Safety Part 2:”  How can boards best lead on quality and safety into the future?  How do you know you’re getting the data you need?  Can you interpret the reports and charts you are receiving? How does transparency of your quality data serve your patients and community?  What are the changes underway for how we measure and what we measure, as well as reimbursements?

Questions? Please contact Deborah Swets,, or Ben Lindekugel,


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