Take a deep breath

December 24, 2015

Winter gets a bad rap, with its cold commercials, wet sidewalks and dark days. For too many of us, it can be a dreary backdrop to a lot of family and holiday stress.

But in reality, winter only just begins with the solstice. Its defining characteristic is that the days continuously get brighter and brighter. Winter begins with inside lights, and ends with outside light. That’s a season to appreciate!

And yes — it’s okay to celebrate winter by putting a little extra hibernation into the schedule. It’s a great thing to do, in fact. We all lead busy lives, and we all work hard to manage the needs of lots of people around us. Parents, children, co-workers, neighbors and friends all need our attention and energy. Over time, that can be a little wearing — even with the best intentions.

So take a deep breath. Then 10. Then 20. Sleep in a little. Sneak out of a party early and cozy into bed with a good book and hot chocolate. Pretend the phone battery died and stare out the window, uninterrupted. Take a walk in the cold, clear air. In short, do whatever it takes to relax and recharge your energy.

And as you do, be glad its winter!

Here at WSHA, stories from our hospitals keeps us energized and motivated. We are regularly humbled by the many ways hospitals work to make sure that patients have brighter days ahead of them. Our humble thanks to the managers, physicians, nurses and staff who do this work throughout the year. We are proud to tell your stories.

Scott Bond
President and CEO


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