Registration to open for Annual Meeting after Labor Day

August 25, 2016

We’re nearly one month out from our biggest event of the year: our 84th Annual Member Meeting! Registration will open after Labor Day, but it’s not too early to start making plans now.

This year’s event will take place Oct. 13-14 in downtown Seattle, and we’re excited to welcome a wonderful group of speakers, including Damon Tweedy, MD (Black Man in a White Coat), former U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy,  Co-Founder & President of the Institute for Systems Biology Dr. Lee Hood and many others. This will also be a key opportunity to hear from WSHA’s next president and CEO, Cassie Sauer. Click here to read more about what we have lined up for this year’s meeting.

Coming from across the state? WSHA has hotel blocks at the Edgewater Hotel and the Marriott Waterfront. We look forward to seeing you in October! (Cynthia Hay)


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Washington State Hospital Association
999 Third Avenue
Suite 1400
Seattle, WA 98104

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