Reduce costs without compromising patient care by refurbished equipment

February 16, 2017

How can providers see more patients and maintain excellent patient care while juggling reductions in reimbursement and bundled payment scenarios? This is a question on the forefront of everyone’s minds and has probably caused more than a few sleepless nights.

Meridian Healthcare believes part of the solution may lie in re-examining the way we look at capital purchases. Traditionally, a purchase scenario has been considered a superior option to leasing new or refurbished equipment. However for many organizations, the current health care market place is so dynamic that there is an advantage to treating the equipment needed to deliver care as more of a utility than an asset. Organizations that have taken this approach have seen the following benefits:

  • Gained the ability to deploy cutting-edge services and achieve ROI at a faster rate than with a capital purchase;
  • Reduced cost of delivering care without sacrificing quality; and
  • Predictable controlled cost allowing for flexibility when trying to accomplish strategic goals.

You can read their entire thought piece here. (Paul Unsworth)


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