In response to stakeholder feedback, the Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (PQAC) issued a proposal to change its professional licensure renewal cycle from one year to two years. According to the proposal, “Licensees would still pay the same total amount over a two-year period, however licensees would pay that cost one time at the beginning of the two-year license cycle, rather than spreading it across two years.” This change would also align the fee cycle with the new two-year continuing education cycle established in chapter 246-945 WAC. More information is available in PQAC’s fee narrative document online.
PQAC is also proposing a new $55 registration fee for opioid use disorder (OUD) remote dispensing sites. The remote site fee is part of its implementation of SB 6086 (2020), which authorized PQAC to establish a licensure program for OUD remote dispensing sites. Additional information is available online. PQAC will hold a virtual public hearing on July 6, 2021, for comments on the proposed two-year licensure renewal cycle and the OUD remote site fee. Hearing information and registration are available here. Written comments may also be submitted by July 6, 2021. (David Streeter)