Paula Riley of Klickitat Valley Health, along with the HR department, recently took on the challenge to create and launch an online personal non work-related injury and illness reporting system. Their goal was to eliminate the use of paper reporting processes and capture information electronically.
This online system was inspired by Washington Hospital Services’ Workers’ Compensation Program’s claim management system, Origami. Origami is used to electronically report work-related injuries and illnesses.
Previously, personal non work-related injuries or illnesses were manually recorded on slips of paper by the supervisor and forwarded to the HR department to be entered into an injury or illness report. It was challenging to track the reporting slips of paper, which could reach a count of two hundred or more at any given time. Recording and tracking these incidents was difficult, time consuming and involved tedious work.
Using Washington Hospital Services’ Workers’ Compensation Program’s claim reporting system as their model, Paula created an electronic system to report personal non work-related injuries and illnesses. This new process provides quick and easy access to employees and supervisors to report their personal non work-related injury or illness. Paula reports that the use of this new system has reduced the amount of work, improved the timeliness of the information and eliminated the use of paper.
Way to go Klickitat Valley Health and Paula – your excellent work and creative thinking will positively impact your program for years to come.
(Barbara Borsi, June 11, 2020)