InsMed Insurance helps protect training physicians

October 15, 2015

Young professionals are confident in their choice to take on student loans because they are investing in their future. However, what most young professionals don’t consider are the implications associated with the disruption of income caused by an accident or illness that may delay or prevent their repayment.

Teaching hospitals have begun to insure their residents and fellows with a group Long Term Disability policy that includes provisions that can insure as much as $200,000 of student loans. The pricing structure of this coverage has saved institutions thousands of dollars, and it can provide graduating house staff officers with the right to obtain portable “own specialty” coverage without regard to any pre-existing or current medical conditions.

Washington Hospital Services has partnered with the InsMed Insurance Agency, Inc., which specializes in providing health care professionals with portable income and loan protection solutions, to address the unique insurance issues physicians face in training. For more information, please contact Mary Gurin, Vice President of Customer Service at the InsMed Insurance Agency, Inc., at (800)214 7039 FREE (Paul Unsworth)


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