Last week’s accident on the Aurora Bridge, when a “duck boat” collided with a tour bus, was an unimaginable tragedy. Four died at the scene, another died a few days after and dozens of people were injured.
I have been in health care for the majority of my life, and have seen the response to many, many disasters. Each disaster is different, except in this: heroes rush in. Police officers, firefighters and paramedics arrive at the scene; they take in a thousand bits of information and make rapid-fire decisions that save lives. The impact ripples out from there, as street traffic is managed, emergency rooms are prepared, hotlines are opened and logistic teams are activated. They are not all visible on the nightly news, but they all matter.
Hospitals must operate and survive in a business-like environment, but we also have to put that aside and do whatever is necessary to respond to a disaster. This is our essential function, and we continuously plan and budget so that we are always able to meet it.
Our thanks to the many wonderful professionals who responded to this tragedy. We are awed and grateful that you rush in every day.
Scott Bond
President and CEO