During the 2016 state legislative session, a key issue of debate was the future of Washington’s state-run psychiatric hospitals. The result was SB 6656, and WSHA was pleased with the direction it established for moving forward. However, on April 19, Governor Inslee vetoed significant and important portions of the bill. In particular, he vetoed legislative direction for new spending in the state hospitals; provisions allowing for ARNPs and PAs to practice at Western State (he instead directed this be done through collective bargaining); and provisions allowing state funding to be used at alternative locations for treatment, and investment in community services that would divert patients from needing inpatient care. WSHA has written the governor expressing our concern over his veto, urging quick action, and asking to work together moving forward. Making improvements and increasing access to state psychiatric hospital care are changes that need to happen now; the lack of access to services is backing up the entire mental health system. (Cassie Sauer)
Contact Us
Washington State Hospital Association
999 Third Avenue
Suite 1400
Seattle, WA 98104