Accountable Communities of Health Seek Provider Input for Medicaid Transformation Projects

April 27, 2017

The nine Accountable Communities of Health are in the process of designing and selecting projects this summer related to the Healthier Washington Demonstration, with applications to be submitted by September. Over the next five years, the state Health Care Authority will be distributing up to $1.1 billion through the Heathier Washington demonstration.  By the end of this year, the Authority has initially indicated it will distribute up to $240 million statewide to jump start this work. Most of the dollars will flow to providers that participate in approved projects through their ACH. We encourage hospital and health systems to ensure they are in contact with their local ACH and involved in the process. WSHA will continue to work with local Accountable Communities of Health to find common elements of projects that could benefit from a coordinated approach across regions. We will also share our work with hospitals as we proceed. For more information, see our recent Bulletin. (Chelene Whiteaker,


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