Accountable Communities of Health begin project planning

March 16, 2017

Nathan Johnson, chief policy officer at the Health Care Authority (HCA), told the WSHA Public Policy Committee at its March meeting that the agency plans to spend $240 million this year on delivery system reform. The HCA will require the nine local Accountable Communities of Health (ACHs) to submit project proposals in September. Each ACH must submit four or more projects, including one on behavioral health integration and one on opioid overuse. The remaining projects can include care transitions, care diversions, care coordination, maternal and child health, oral health, or chronic disease prevention.

The demonstration will give transformation funds to providers, including hospitals and health systems. Now is the time to be active as the ACHs begin development of the project submissions. King County, for example, has begun meetings on three potential project areas and is inviting interested providers to sign up for meeting notifications on its website. (Claudia Sanders)


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