CareLearning Offers NIMS Compliance Courses

January 4, 2024

Emergency Preparedness for Health Care with NIMS:
Hospitals and many health care organizations are required to implement the National Incident Management System (NIMS) education and training for appropriate personnel. The Emergency Preparedness for Health care with NIMS course was developed as an equivalent IS 700 (An Introduction to the National Incident Management System) NIMS course. This course is time efficient and relevant to public health, hospital and health care workers. The course provides information and action steps all employees can take to ensure a work environment prepared for disasters.

Click to download flyer

Incident Command Systems (ICS) for Health Care:

Incident Command Systems for Health Care with NIMS is designed to assist health care leaders in understanding their role for managing continuous care of patients in the event of an emergency or disaster. This course meets the federal requirements for ICS-100.HC, An Introduction to Incident Command System (ICS), and ICS-200.HC, ICS for Single and Initial Action Incidents. This course is part of a complete emergency preparedness compliance training solution with Emergency Preparedness for Health Care with NIMS. Together, they offer managers and incident command staff NIMS compliant solutions for health care. This course is recommended for those who may serve in a leadership role in a health care organization during an emergency or disaster.

For a complete description, go to Click “Emergency Preparedness” and scroll to the desired subscription.

careLearning is a  Washington Hospital Services Preferred Partner. Preferred Partners connect hospitals with product and service organizations to create efficiencies, lower costs and deliver exceptional health care. For more information about careLearning or the WHS Preferred Partners Program, contact Cynthia Hay,, 206.216.2526. (Cynthia Hay)


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