WSHA’s DASH Premium team has updated the DASH Premium portion of to improve the user experience and make it easier to find content. This includes a new DASH Premium landing page, new pages for the four contexts through which you can view data, updated navigation links and a new DASH Premium resources page. You can provide feedback to the DASH Premium team during office hours July 3. Email WSHA DASH Services Program Manager Danny Lunder at for information on how to attend.
The new DASH Premium landing page: To align with the rest of the website, the DASH Premium team has created a landing page to provide an overview of the DASH Premium content. For users who know through which context they want to look at data, there are easy-access buttons on the top of the page. To provide more definition about what each context means, there are larger context cards further down on the page that provide a brief description when you hover over them.
Content pages for the four contexts (patient, procedure, diagnosis and department): These pages provide a library of the dashboards and explorers available in that context. Hovering over a dashboard or explorer will show a brief description about it. Recommended content is available at the bottom of the content library.
Updated navigation links: The link directory on the top has changed to allow you to navigate to the DASH Premium landing page as well as each context’s page by clicking on their name in the directory.
DASH Premium resources page: Two resources previously under the DASH Premium navigation menu are now in the DASH Premium Resource page. To navigate there, use the drop-down menu under “Resource.” At the bottom of every DASH Premium page is a “DASH Premium Resource” tile that will also take you to the resource page. This page will continue to be updated as the DASH Premium team updates existing resources and adds new ones.