Reporters, editors, producers:
Next Monday is the start of the 2016 session of the Washington State legislative session. Although it’s scheduled to be a short one (and we all hope it will be), it doesn’t mean important work can’t be done.
WSHA’s legislative priorities are online here: .
We also want to give everyone a chance to discuss the coming session. On Tuesday at noon, we’ll be hosting a public webcast where we’ll discuss the political climate, the state’s budget pressures, I-1366 and how those legislative priorities connect with other health care reform work that is underway.
We’re going to be looking to improve access to mental health care and pharmacy services, protect rural hospitals, make it easier for licensed physicians to work across state lines and ensure that hospitals have the flexibility they need to meet the changing needs of their communities.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
12 – 1 p.m.
On a lighter note, we were tickled to see that Downton Abbey has a hospital affiliation storyline. Cassie Sauer, myself and a few others are going to have a Monday morning conference call about how the show (and the hospital board) are handling the issue. We’d love it if you could join us! Check out Weekly Report for the details or download the appointment here.