WSHA encourages hospitals to complete AHA/FHA survey on rising drug costs

May 11, 2016

WSHA, the American Hospital Association (AHA) and other hospitals groups are concerned about the effect rising drug costs are having on hospital budgets and hospital costs, particularly if drugs are bundled as part of a hospital prospective payment methodology. The AHA and the Federation of American Hospitals (FHA) have collaborated on a new survey to help evaluate the impact that prescription drug prices are having on inpatient hospitals. A few weeks ago, and again this past Monday, AHA sent CEOs for each facility a personalized link and log on to complete the survey. We encourage you to see if someone at your hospital has completed the survey. AHA has extended the timeline for survey responses to May 20.

WSHA is also interested in being able to document the impact rising drug costs are having on Washington hospitals, as this information will be helpful in our policy work ensuring sustainable payment to hospitals. To assist us in this work, please send a copy of your response to the AHA survey to Andrew Busz, Policy Director, Finance at (Andrew Busz)


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