WSHA has successfully imported 300,000 disposable surgical masks and has hundreds of thousands more on the way. We are selling them to facilities at-cost. Some of the masks have already been distributed to local long-term care facilities and organizations serving individuals experiencing homelessness, and today we begin sending shipments to hospitals.
The masks initially arrived in Washington from China on Friday, April 10, and have been stored at Kaiser Permanente’s Renton warehouse while the deliveries were coordinated. We partnered with the Washington State Rural Health Collaborative to distribute the masks. The masks will be distributed to facilities most in need of the personal protective equipment.
This marks the first time WSHA has imported or distributed supplies to our members or other organizations. We know that our hospitals and other care providers are desperate for PPE supplies. That desperation to keep staff and patients safe fueled our actions – we had no idea how to do it, but made it happen nonetheless.
This is just the first round of deliveries, and we plan to distribute the next round to more facilities as soon as possible. We will keep you updated as we acquire additional supplies.