Washington Hospital Services’ Health Care Quality Service (WHS-HQS) is pleased to announce that they now offer pre-survey inspections to assist hospitals in preparing for the clinical quality component of DOH surveys. These “mock” survey inspections, which are conducted by WSHA staff, include:
- A pre-call with the hospital to get background information and tailor the survey to its needs.
- A briefing of all management staff on the goals and objectives of the pre-survey inspection.
- Inspection of the facility for compliance with DOH Clinical Quality Improvement Standards.
- A post-inspection debriefing on findings, followed by recommended solutions to citable findings.
- A written report from inspection team members listing their findings and general comments.
- A 30-day follow-up call to answer any remaining questions and provide additional resources.
WHS-HQS Pre-Survey Inspections cost $5,200 per day. If you are interested in scheduling a clinical quality pre-survey inspection, please contact Rich Boucher at richb@wsha.org or 206-216-2504.