Washington Hospital Services is pleased to announce our first annual WHS’ Safety Days! We will present a series of four virtual safety discussions over the month of September that will focus on a variety of safety and health topics including the backbone of your safety program and an often cited standard, accident prevention plan, workplace violence prevention, record-keeping and safety basics. These safety discussions will take place once a week on Thursdays from 10:00a.m.-12:00p.m. beginning Sept. 3, 2020.
- Sept. 3, 2020 Accident Prevention Plan
- Sept. 10, 2020 Workplace Violence Prevention
- Sept. 17, 2020 Recordkeeping
- Sept. 24, 2020 Safety Basics
These discussions are open to all WHS members, although each session will have an intended target audience. Please send RSVP to Eric Gutzwiler at ericg@wsha.org to hold your spot! Members who are represented at all four safety discussions will be entered into a drawing for a $500 cash prize.