Webinar: Adolescent reporting of sexual orientation and gender identity information in a hospital setting

July 31, 2024

New laws in our state require hospitals to give special considerations when reporting sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data on adolescents.

If you need guidance on complying with the new policies, we invite you to join us on Aug. 20 from 1-2:30 p.m. for WSHA’s Adolescent reporting of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Information in a Hospital Setting webinar.

Consultant Beau Ohlgren will share why special consideration must be given to kids under age 13 and over age 13 when collecting sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI).

Attendees will navigate scenarios for discussion and learn how to use age-appropriate questions, respond with affirming communication and diffuse tense situations with parents or guardians. WSHA will also review new recommendations for collecting and reporting pediatric inpatient sexual orientation and gender identity data. Nurses will be eligible to receive 1.5 contact hours (CECH). (Abigail Berube)


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