Washington state organizations provide medications for opioid use disorder during COVID-19

May 1, 2020

The University of Washington’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute and AIMS Center have collated information from a range of providers about rapid adaptations in their models of care for utilizing medications for opioid use disorder based on Governor Inslee’s “stay home, stay healthy” order. View these local examples here. Providers include primary care, ED, specialty addiction, behavioral health, syringe exchanges, opioid treatment programs and jails. Adaptations are also informed by guidance from state and federal agencies (DEA and SAMHSA) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that have temporarily modified some rules and regulations (e.g., decreasing visit/dosing frequency as well as increasing uses of tele-health during different phases of treatment). This is a snap-shot of current practices that continue to evolve. Many programs provide care to marginalized populations and are implementing innovative strategies to ensure continued access to mortality-reducing medications during this health crisis. Contact Caleb Banta-Green at calebbg@uw.edu for more information.


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