In addition to offering peer review services to rural hospitals, Washington Hospital Services’ Health Care Quality Services (WHS-HQS) also provides peer review to rural health clinics, whether hospital-based or free standing.
Earlier this year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) revised its Conditions for Certification for Medicare-certified Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) to include an annual total program evaluation. Part of this evaluation requires a review of a representative sample of clinical records of RHC patients. This sample must include at least 5 percent of the RHC’s current patients or 50 records, whichever is less. (See section J-0161 in the CMS State Operations Manual – Appendix G). WSHA would be more than happy to discuss different peer review options with you.
For more information, please contact WHS Peer Review Program Manager Rich Boucher at or (206) 216-2504. (Rich Boucher)