Take the pledge to protect the 340B program and help protect access to lifesaving drugs

October 24, 2018

Click here to take the pledge

The 340B drug discount program has been helping expand access to life-saving prescription drugs and other drug treatments for more than 25 years. It has helped the participating hospitals improve access for vulnerable communities across the country, including low-income and uninsured individuals.

However, the program is in danger, and WSHA and the American Hospital Association (AHA) are now asking you for your help to combat the negative perceptions the pharmaceutical industry has promoted. These big drug companies are lobbying Congress to reduce the size and value of this tremendously beneficial program. It is a program that has virtually no impact on federal spending, but improves the quality of life for millions of Americans.

I sit on a special AHA 340B taskforce that recommended asking hospitals to sign a pledge to help refute these assertions. I strongly encourage WSHA members to take the pledge as well, even those who are not AHA members. Specifically, the pledge includes:

  • A commitment to annually communicate how the hospital uses the 340B savings it receives to benefit the community
  • A commitment to calculate, disclose and estimate of the savings on drug costs the hospital receives through the 340B program
  • A commitment to providing internal oversight and training to ensure the hospital’s 340B program meets the federal Health Resources and Services Administration’s program rules and guidance

If you can commit to these principles, you are ready to declare that you are a good steward of 340B. Read more on our recent bulletin, and take the pledge now!


Cassie Sauer
WSHA President & CEO


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