Register for virtual summit on behavioral health integration

May 7, 2020

Learn more about behavioral health integration by taking part in an upcoming Bree Collaborative summit. Given COVID-19, the summit will be virtual over two half-day sessions on June 16 and June 23. The first of the two summit days, “Planting the Seeds,” will frame the conversation on behavioral health integration, offer thoughts from state leaders, discuss weaving trauma-informed care into your practice and address telehealth. Day two, “Nurturing Growth,” will begin with a discussion on the mental health of health care providers. It will then go through screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT), medications for opioid use disorder and suicide care. There will also be conversations from Medicaid managed care organization partners on reimbursement and personalized action plans. Please register for the virtual summit dates individually using the links below.


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