Recent member news: 2/6/2020

February 6, 2020

MultiCare building MRI addition for new machine
The city of Spokane is reviewing a permit for MultiCare Deaconess Hospital to build an MRI room addition…

Mason Health invites community to Mason Clinic grand opening
The Grand Opening & Dedication Ceremony for Mason Clinic is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 21, and Mason Health welcomes the entire community to this historic event…

Pullman hospital awards scholarship
Pullman Regional Hospital (PRH) awarded scholarships to three employees which will help them continue their education and assist in their work…

PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center honors health coach graduates; gifts community scholarship
PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center recently recognized the first group of caregivers earning health coach certification as a result of its “Integrated Nutrition Pathways Scholarship Program…”

Harborview Medical Center’s $1.7B renovation plan could go to voters
“A planning group drafting costs for renovations for Harborview Medical Center moved forward last week with a proposed $1.7 billion for a host of projects…”


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