Recent member news: 1/28/2021

January 28, 2021

First local mass vaccination event scheduled for Saturday
Appointments for the 1,000 available doses already have been filled, said Gretchen Youngren, executive director of development and communication at Samaritan Healthcare…

A rural county in Washington state hasn’t wasted a single Covid-19 vaccine dose. Here’s its secret
While Kittitas County has given 53% of its current vaccines, the county has vaccine clinics running through this week to deliver a new batch of more than 2,000 vaccines, according to Kittitas Valley Healthcare…

Providence plans to vaccinate 1,400 people at Holy Family Hospital pop-up clinic to meet state’s new target
A basement room at Providence Holy Family Hospital bustled with energy and masked smiles on Friday morning as some Spokane County residents received their first dose of the Moderna vaccine, a sign of hope for weary health care workers and residents alike…

Kadlec Regional Medical Center hosts COVID-19 vaccine clinic
“Everyone’s just excited that the vaccine has arrived, that there is an opportunity for them to receive the vaccine,” Director of Nursing Molly Calhoun said…

Amazon offers pop-up clinic as state tries to speed vaccines
On the anniversary of the first confirmed COVID-19 case in the United States, Amazon said Thursday it will host a one-day vaccination drive in Seattle this weekend to inoculate as many as 2,000 people…


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