How patient engagement is transforming health care

March 23, 2017

In a recent Forbes article, four hospital CEOs discussed the role of patient engagement in quality care. All of them made clear the key messages regarding the importance of patient and family engagement.

One of the examples they discussed was Patient and Family Engagement Councils, also known as Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs), which is one of the best practices recommended by the Partnership for Patients initiative, through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). By involving PFACs on various projects, committees and teams, organizations have been able to further their improvement efforts, deliver better outcomes for the patient and help lower health care costs.

As Dr. Susan Frampton, CEO of Planetree, stated in the interview, “Leadership’s role in driving patient engagement begins at a foundational level, through an active commitment demonstrated by inclusion of patient and family engagement goals and related tactics in the organization’s strategic plan.” (Tamara Glover)


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