New York Times: The Fix

January 28, 2016

Last week, WSHA’s leader on patient safety, Carol Wagner, was interviewed by Daniel Bornstein for his column “The Fix.” He is doing a two-week look at the work that is being done to reduce preventable harm in hospitals — specifically, the work that is being done under Partnership for Patients.

The first week’s column is here.

WSHA has had a Partnership for Patients contract since 2011. The combined commitment of our members and Partnership for Patients resources has enabled Washington State hospitals to make drastic reduction in harms in readmissions, ventilator-associated pneumonia, ulcers and sepsis deaths.

Click the infographic to see more.

We don’t know if Washington State will be featured in next week’s column, but regardless, we’re glad this life-saving program is being recognized. To learn more about our Partnership for Patients work, visit our website or contact Carol Wagner. (Mary Kay Clunies-Ross)


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