Meeting Annual Meeting Diamond Sponsor Incyte Diagnostics

October 6, 2016

incyte_hori_cmyk-largeIncyte Diagnostics has partnered with hospitals in the northwest for over 57 years to provide pathology and laboratory medical directorships. Incyte believes that our responsibility as a pathology partner to the hospitals we serve encompasses a broad array of service expectations, and we strive to provide diagnostic excellence and integrated leadership at every turn. This focus on integration provides the foundation of what we do best: improving technical quality and management within your clinical laboratories, improving test utilization and test management within your hospitals, providing continuity of services and succession planning, and more.

Incyte is proud to be affiliated with the Washington State Hospital Association as an Industry Partner. Our Diamond Sponsorship for the past three years demonstrates our confidence in the high quality of WSHA’s work. Our contributions continue to support the excellent speakers, presentations and networking opportunities, which benefit the medical industry in so many ways. Visit for more information.


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Washington State Hospital Association
999 Third Avenue
Suite 1400
Seattle, WA 98104

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206.281.7211 phone
206.283.6122 fax

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