Due to updated COVID-19 safety procedures, the number of aerosolizing procedures utilized at Jefferson Healthcare skyrocketed causing the number of staff Members who need respirator fit testing to double.
Jefferson Healthcare staff member Ambir Pankau stepped up and took charge of this challenging task. Through her quick actions and organizational skills over 400 staff received respiratory fit testing over the course of two months.
Ambir set up several different methods for staff to schedule their respiratory fit test. This could be accomplished directly through Employee Health, an approved respirator fit testing specialist, or through their supervisor. Having multiple contact points allowed staff to select their most comfortable option and fast tracked the respiratory fit testing of Jefferson Healthcare staff.
With the assistance of the process improvement department. Ambir took on the responsibility to create a master employee respiratory protection report. This report provides the leader of each department with up to date information about the respiratory protection of each employee and provides an inventory of the number of respiratory masks in use. This became extremely helpful for leaders as the supply chain of respiratory masks dwindled. It has allowed the organization to keep the employees continuously safe and healthy with proper respiratory protection.
In addition, customized education based on each staff members occupation or exposure was shared with staff creating a more personalized experience which reinforced the importance of how and why to use the right respiratory protection.
Congratulations to Ambir and the entire Jefferson Healthcare team for a job well done.