To improve the utility of your Opioid Prescribing Report, make sure to keep your prescriber list updated in QBS! The latest round of Acute Opioid Prescribing Reports were distributed to participating hospital CMO and quality leaders in May 2020 using ShareFile. Upon review, some facilities found that their reports did not accurately list current prescribing providers (i.e., due to turnover, new prescribers joining hospital). Instead of emailing an excel list of updated provider information, WSHA requests this information be kept current in our WSHA Quality Benchmark System (QBS) database.
New functionality is available through QBS to allow for self-service editing of provider lists used to generate the Opioid Prescribing Reports. A new tab titled “PMP Providers” displays a list in QBS of providers and identifiers used to match to the Prescription Monitoring Database Program (PMP). List managers are now able to delete providers who no longer should be included in facility opioid prescribing reports, add new providers, and make corrections to identifiers including specialty fields for peer benchmarking. Access to a facility provider list is restricted to authorized QBS users. To gain access to your facility list on QBS to make changes, please contact Abigail Berube at A getting started guide is also available upon request.