Yesterday, the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration launched a portal to reimburse providers for testing and treatment of uninsured COVID-19 patients. This coverage was authorized and funded through the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act and applies to eligible services provided on or after Feb 4, 2020. Claims under the program will be paid at Medicare rates, subject to funding availability. Providers and hospitals receiving funds through the program will need to attest that they have verified the patient is not enrolled in public or private insurance, agree not to balance bill the patient for amounts in excess of the payment amount and agree to other terms and conditions. Providers can also register for a webinar HRSA is providing April 29 or April 30 from 11-12:00 PDT by clicking here. Read HRSA’s website and FAQs for more information (Zosia Stanley.
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