Honoring Choices Pacific Northwest celebrated its foundational progress and looked toward the future at its Share the Experience event March 2. The annual event is a forum for health care and community initiative partners to convene and have an open dialogue about implementing advance care planning programs throughout the region. Attendees from across the state gathered to explore this year’s theme: the creative application of the advance care planning (ACP) program.
Keynote speaker Ira SenGupta, executive director of the Cross Cultural Health Care Program and a nationally recognized leader in cultural competency, kicked off the day identifying barriers and bridges to ACP program implementation that recognizes, honors, and works with patient and family cultural realities. Throughout the day, health care organization initiative partners shared their stories and processes, providing inventive and successful approaches to the work for others to use.
Michelle Lott of the Washington State Medical Association led a special session centered on ACP CPT codes and the billing rules to know, while Dr. Andrea Chatburn, palliative care physician and director of ethics for Providence Health and Services in Eastern Washington, addressed the ethical imperative of concordance in honoring wishes. The day ended with a look at humor at the end of life (Last Laugh – with Alexei Sayle).
For program partners unable to attend, recordings of the three key speakers (SenGupta, Lott and Chatburn) will be available to view. (Bonnie Bizzell)