The American Hospital Association (AHA) recently sent out a cyber alert about the potential risk of cyber-attacks from global threats. The AHA warns about the possibility of a health-care-targeted cyber-attack and recommends that hospitals and health systems take steps to assess and strengthen cybersecurity measures. I strongly encourage you to review the full alert, available online via the AHA.
WSHA members realize the importance of coming together in a safe environment to share learnings about quality improvement work. Our members have made it clear to us that they want to leverage the same approach around IT security and continue the open sharing of important health care security related topics. With that in mind, as well as the potential global threat to health care cybersecurity, I would like to extend an invitation to join the Pacific Northwest Security Collaborative (PNWSC).
The PNWSC provides a forum where information security professionals in our health care communities may have constructive dialogue around current health care security threats and targets as well as share security-related best practices, tools, resources and policies to improve their overall security posture at their respective organizations. The PNWSC was formed 18 years ago with the overall goal of open sharing of important health care security-related information among the participants.
The PNWSC meets quarterly at Virginia Mason. The next meeting is Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at Virginia Mason Medical Center.
We will be sending out more information about February’s event with meeting details. Please email me with any questions or interest in learning more about the PNWSC. I hope we can all work together to ensure that our health care communities have strong cyber security and are protected against any possible cyber-attacks.