Delta Dental announces premium forgiveness program

October 30, 2020

Delta Dental announced late last month they intend to provide each of their customers 25 percent premium forgiveness for the months of August, September, October and November. This reduction will appear as a “below the line” adjustment on each respective billing statement. There are additional accounting and administrative details that will follow from the Trust Office, but WHIT wanted to provide advance notice to allow time to begin taking the necessary steps so that payroll systems can accommodate the program.

In addition, the WHIT Trustees have unanimously voted to invest a portion of Trust reserves to extend the discount for participating groups an additional four months through March 2021.

WHIT recognizes the financial challenges everyone is facing because of the pandemic and hopes this program will help employers and employees as they navigate the critical months ahead. WHIT also wants to take this time to recognize Delta Dental for their partnership over the years as well as to thank each of their partners for their continued support of WHIT. It is this support that provides the means to extend this premium forgiveness program.

The WHIT trustees extend their enormous gratitude for the selfless sacrifices being made by your employees and your organization in support of your community during these unprecedented times.

WHIT is a Washington Hospital Services (WHS) Industry Partner. The WHS Industry Partner Program connects hospitals with companies to create efficiencies, lower costs and deliver exceptional health care. For more information about WHIT or the WHS Industry Partner Program contact Cynthia Hay at or (206) 216-2526.


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