Course on prescribing treatment for opioid abuse May 25

May 2, 2018

Addressing the opioid epidemic is one of WSHA’s top legislative and patient safety priorities. Together with our state’s Accountable Communities of Health, we worked to develop a template to expand access to treatment for opioid abuse in emergency departments, which is often the first point of treatment for those battling addiction. In an effort to expand access to treatment, the Washington State Department of Health and the American Society of Addiction Medicine have sponsored courses to help providers become waivered to prescribe buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid dependence and opioid use disorder. The next course is May 25 in Olympia.

Contact Dr. Lucinda Grande for details about the upcoming course. Physicians, ARNPs, physician assistants and clinic staff who serve these patients are invited to attend. (Ian Corbridge)


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