Connecting critical data for comprehensive care management

May 12, 2016

zeomega logoWashington Hospital Services Industry Partner ZeOmega has created an educational video that attempts to answer the question of how you can break the silos and connect critical data for truly patient-centered, comprehensive care management. The video demonstrates how ZeOmega’s solution could allow WSHA members to share information and work collaboratively to improve patient health. Its goal is to ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page and have everything they need to know about an individual, including their psychosocial determinants, at their fingertips to make the best possible clinical decisions for better outcomes, lower costs and happier patients. You can watch the video here. To learn more about ZeOmega or any of our other Industry Partners, please visit our website or contact Paul Unsworth at (206) 577-1806. (Paul Unsworth)


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