To: Hospital CFOs, PR Staff, and Outreach and Enrollment Leads
From: Barbara Gorham, WSHA Policy Director, Access
Staff Contact: Barbara Gorham, 206-216-2512 (
Subject: Certified Application Counselor Training
The purpose of this bulletin is to notify you that the Washington Health Benefit Exchange (Exchange) will be offering training for Certified Application Counselors (CACs) from October 1, 2014 through November 30, 2014. The Exchange is hosting a webinar on October 1, 2014 to review the CAC training curriculum and answer any questions you may have regarding the training and certification requirements for the 2014-2015 open enrollment period.
All enrollment staff must be recertified by November 30, 2014 in order to continue to be certified as In-Person Assisters (IPAs) or CACs. Hospital enrollment staff may choose to be trained as either an IPA by your Lead IPA organization, or to be trained as a CAC by the Exchange. CAC training is conducted entirely online, and will be offered between October 1, 2014 and November 30, 2014.
Lead hospital enrollment staff should participate in the Exchange’s October 1, 2014 webinar. Hospital staff enrolling patients and others in Qualified Health Plans (i.e. Exchange plans) should be retrained and recertified as either CACs or IPAs by November 30, 2014.
Background and References
You may register for the Exchange’s October 1, 2014 webinar by clicking here:
Registration URL:
Webinar ID: 124-144-395
The new CAC certification instructions and training materials are expected to be ready by October 1, 2014. This information can be accessed at: (Chrome works better than Internet Explorer)
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Password: Cl1#nt!