We all know how miserable it is to get sick with the flu, but with a simple flu vaccine your odds of getting and spreading the flu this fall or winter are cut dramatically. The flu is unpleasant, but for many it can be very serious, and even deadly. More than 300,000 Americans were hospitalized due to the flu in 2015, according the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
WSHA has been partnering with hospitals across Washington and Alaska to increase flu immunizations in health care personnel in an effort to prevent transmission, absenteeism and presenteeism. We reached an astounding 89.8 percent vaccination rate for 2016-2017 and are striving for even more vaccinations this season.
This week, we held our annual flu shot clinic in the WSHA offices, immunizing our staff and their families. As an organization, we are hoping to reach 100 percent flu vaccination with our staff, following the lead of many of our members in striving for full participation to protect ourselves and each other.
Get your flu vaccination and spread the word about this easy, effective way to avoid getting the flu. The American Hospital Association’s United Against the Flu campaign has numerous resources including information about the flu and immunization options. They also have a tool to help you find the nearest location where you can get a flu vaccine.
Help us spread the word that it’s time to get vaccinated. Together we can all stay healthier throughout the fall and winter months.
Cassie Sauer
WSHA President & CEO