ACHs achieve second milestone, advancing Medicaid transformation

September 20, 2017

All nine Accountable Communities of Health (ACHs) have passed phase 2 certification, a critical achievement in the Medicaid Transformation Demonstration. Their success signals another step toward the 2021 goal of whole person health care and better management of state resources. As part of reaching this milestone, each ACH will receive $5 million to continue:

  • Building organizational infrastructure and capacity
  • Expanding community partnerships
  • Planning and implementing projects that address state and regional priorities

The next milestone, submission of Project plans, is  November 16. King County’s Demonstration Project Committee has developed preliminary project descriptions for each of their projects. King County hospitals may want to offer comments. Other hospitals may be interested in reviewing as one model approach. Read these descriptions on the King County website. (Chelene Whiteaker)


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