Due to technical issues, the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) 340B annual hospital recertification period for 2017 is changed to November 3 through December 6. All 340B hospitals must recertify with HRSA annually to ensure they continue to meet the 340B hospital eligibility requirements. According to the OPAIS website, due to system issues, hospitals that previously completed recertification for 2017 must complete the process again. Covered entities that fail to complete recertification will be removed from the 340B program. Because of the additional steps needed, we recommend 340B hospitals begin the process as soon as possible to ensure they can complete it during the recertification period. Authorizing officials and primary contacts for 340B hospitals must create Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System (OPAIS) accounts and complete their recertification through the new system. Questions regarding recertification should be directed to apexusanswers@340bpvp.com or 888.340.2787. (Andrew Busz, andrewb@wsha.org)
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