340B hospital recertification begins October 24. Are you prepared to be recertified?

October 25, 2017

The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) 340B annual hospital recertification period for 2017 began October 24 and will run through November 21, 2017. All 340B hospitals must recertify with HRSA annually to ensure they continue to meet the 340B hospital eligibility requirements. Covered entities that fail to complete recertification will be removed from the 340B program. The recertification period for this year was delayed due to transition to a new Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System (OPAIS) and website.

Authorizing officials and primary contacts for 340B hospitals must create OPAIS accounts and complete their recertification through the new system. The Office of Pharmacy Affairs hosted a webinar on the recertification process October 19, which is expected to be posted on the OPA website shortly. Questions regarding recertification should be directed to apexusanswers@340bpvp.com or 888-340-2787. (Andrew Busz)


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