After the first cutoff: Bills still alive

February 5, 2018

It was an exciting week leading up to Friday’s cutoff for bills to be voted out of their original policy committee. (Cutoff calendar is here.) To make it easy, we’ve listed all of the major bills we’ve been tracking.

Bills that have not moved out of their committee are most likely not moving forward this session, but nothing can really be counted out until session is adjourned. Components of stalled bills can be added to other bills that are still “alive,” and bills that are necessary to implement the budget are exempt from cutoffs. We will be reading amendments very carefully as bills continue to move.

Below is the status of WSHA/AWPHD’s top priority bills that are still alive. Once the cutoff for bills to move from their original house has passed, we will update you about bills that have stalled. We have successfully opposed a number of important bills that are not moving forward.

Bills WSHA Supports

HB 1640 Expands options for patients to have an advance directive by adding the option of a notary and clarifying some witness requirements.
SHB 2101 Directs a study on increasing the availability and access to specially trained sexual assault nurse examiners in the state.
SHB 2541 Makes it possible for certain additional family members and close friends who meet certain standards to make medical decisions for a patient who is incapacitated.
SHB 2585 Creates notification requirements for hospitals about the availability of sexual assault evidence kit collections provided.
HB 2660 / SB 6304 Ensures the state continues to provide affordable health care coverage for children and Medicaid coverage for pregnant women.
SHB 2822 Addresses the misrepresentation of animals as service animals.
SSB 6273 Clarifies charity care law and increase standardization regarding notice to patients and staff training on charity care policies and interpret services. This is the compromise bill between WSHA and Columbia Legal Services.
SB 6399 Directs the telemedicine collaborative to make recommendations by December 1, 2018 on a pilot to test payment party for the following services: Diabetes mellitus, stroke, mental health conditions, opioid dependence and chronic pain.
SB 6408 Preserves privacy protections for body-worn camera recordings that will sunset on July 1, 2019 under current law.
SB 6468 Establishes a referendum to be sent to the voters to authorize the state to sell $500 million in bonds for capital improvements to increase behavioral health services in community settings.

Bills AWPHD Supports

HB 2539 / SB 6208 Concerning public hospital district health and wellness promotion activities, and superintendent appointment and removal.
SB 6373 Concerning hours of availability for inspection and copying of public records.

Bills on which WSHA is neutral

SB 5441 WSHA has fixed the concern on this bill that would have required hospitals to collect patient identification for those involuntarily detained and transfer that information to law enforcement.

Bills that are works in progress for WSHA

HB 2489 Comprehensive act related to opioid use disorder treatment, prevention and related services. This is Governor request legislation. WSHA is still working on a mandate that connects electronic health records (EHRs) to the state prescription monitoring program.
SHB 2585 Creates notification requirements for hospitals about the availability of sexual assault evidence kit collections provided.
SB 6150 Expands access to opioid addiction treatment while mandating facility EHRs connect with the state prescription monitoring program. This is Governor request legislation. WSHA is still working on the EHR piece.

Bills WSHA Opposes

HB 1715 Mandates stringent meal and rest break requirements and prohibits the use of pre-scheduled on call.
HB 1811 Institutes a new process that would require complicated documentation and review for almost any kind of “material change”— even simple arrangements, such as contracted services.
HB 2114 Protects consumers from balance billing charges, but creates significant administrative burden, cost and liability for hospitals.
SHB 2836 Charity care bill that does not contain important compromise language in SSB 6273.
HB 2903 Limits the use of noncompetition agreements.
SSB 6015 / HB 2262 Inappropriately expands the circumstances and classes of individuals able to sue in cases of wrongful death.
SB 6522 Limits the use of noncompetition agreements.
SSB 6526 Limits the use of noncompetition agreements.

WSHA-supported bill that did not pass cutoff

HB 2401 / SB 6365 Would have suspended Ricky’s Law if there were not enough secure detoxification beds. WSHA is disappointed this bill did not advance, but we will continue to push for more funding for beds.


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